Ascension offers many opportunities to deepen our faith through the preparation and reception of the sacraments.
For more information, contact our Parish Office at 480-837-1066 or use our Contact Us form.
Whether this is your first baby, second, third, or more, we have opportunities for your family to prepare for your child’s Baptism. Our preparation classes present the meaning, signs, and symbols of baptism to parents and godparents. Additionally, classes provide an introduction to our parish and ways you can belong to our community. Our classes and Baptism schedules are flexible and throughout the year. For more information, contact Caleb Guy in the Parish Office.
A sacrament of healing, Reconciliation is available on Saturdays from 3:30 to 4:30 pm. To celebrate the sacrament together as a community, every Advent and Lent we hold a whole Parish Penance Service.
Do you or your child need First Reconciliation? First Reconciliation preparation for children in second grade and older begins each fall. Those preparing will learn the signs and symbols of the sacrament. Additionally, each participant has opportunities to experience the presence Christ. For more information on First Reconciliation preparation, contact Caleb Guy in the Parish Office.
Preparation classes for Confirmation and First Eucharist are available each year and begin in the fall. The Diocese of Phoenix has restored the order of the sacraments of initiation. Therefore, children in the third grade and older are eligible to prepare. The year children and teens prepare for these sacraments is filled with learning the signs and symbols of the sacrament, plus getting ready to fully participate in the Mass. If you or your child is ready to prepare for Confirmation and First Eucharist, contact Caleb Guy in the Parish Office.
Order of Christian Initiation for Adults – OCIA
Come and see! Want to become Catholic? Do you need to finish preparing for the sacraments of initiation? Would you like to understand what it means to be a Catholic Christian? OCIA is a great place to see what being a Catholic is all about. Teens and adults wishing to more fully be part of the Catholic Church are invited to come and see! Preparation to receive the sacraments of initiation is tailored to each individual’s needs. The Parish Office can provide more information to those interested. Please call 480-837-1066 with any questions.
The reform of Vatican II has helped us to understand this sacrament is not confined to those who are physically ill, but for anyone who is in special need of healing such as:
Those suffering anguish of spirit (depression, grief, family or marriage difficulties, or any mental disorder).
Elderly people who have become weakened even though no serious illness is present.
Those preparing for surgery, including children.
Persons suffering from long term illness, or children with chronic or acute illness.
Anointing of the Sick is a sacrament that we can receive multiple times. Our priest and deacons can offer this sacrament to those in need. Contact the Parish Office to set up a time.
Once a month, we celebrate this sacrament together as a community. It is offered after one of our weekend liturgies.
Planning to get married in the Church? Contact the Parish Office to speak to our priest. We can provide you with information to get you started.
Are you civilly married and wish to receive the sacrament of Marriage? We can help you through this preparation too.
We are here to help with end of life information and funeral Mass preparation. Call the Parish Office to talk to with one of our caring pastoral staff.